Student Cards

Student Cards

von Anna Trikoili -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Dear students,

It was very nice seeing you at our Welcome and Orientation events. During the Q&As,  the issue of student cards came up. 

To sum up, and for those who didn't attend, there are three ways for you to get the student card. 

  • For those who live in Germany or can provide a postal address in Germany, you follow the usual process as indicated on the TUM website.
  • Students who will be in Munich before the onsite contact phase but can’t provide a German postal address can pick up their cards in person. Please, contact the Student Advising and Information Services: Tel. +49 89 289 22245, email: studium(at) for details on that.
  • In any other case, please apply for the card by using the following address and we will give you your card when we meet in person: 

Technical University of Munich

TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology

Professorship of Technical Education (Professur für Technikdidaktik)

Arcisstraße 21

80333 Munich
