Program contact phase 2

Program contact phase 2

von Katharina Prummer -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Dear all,

we are very excited to welcome you to Munich next week for the second contact phase.

The up-to-date program is on Moodle and you can find it on the homepage under miscellaneous or by clicking here.

We will mainly use seminar rooms at the School of Social Sciences and Technology at Marsstr. 20-22. It is very close to the central station (see screenshot below).

Kindly refer to this document (which you can also find under miscellaneous) for directions on how to get to room 604, which we will use most of the week. We created a folder for further information on public transport and hotels in Munich.

We will meet on Monday morning at 9.00 a.m. in room 604 for the orientation.

If there are any important questions before we start on Monday, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via this forum.

Until then, we wish you safe travels to Munich.

Kind regards from the VEI team

Anhang Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 10.00.57.png