Dear all,
We received a few e-mails regarding your matriculation status for the summer semester 2025. That is why we want to explain the necessary steps for you to be able to graduate after you submit your Master's thesis in March. If you complete your last assignment by submitting your Master's thesis in March, within the deadline, you do not have to remain matriculated for the grading in the summer semester 2025.
An important prerequisite for your graduation is that you successfully passed all the modules in this program. Currently, only the Master's thesis should still be open for grading. Please check your transcript of records to make sure that all other modules have been graded and passed. Attached is a short guide on how to check your transcript on TUM Campus.
If you have any open assignments, we ask you to contact the lecturer responsible for this module and discuss the way forward together. You will need to submit any assignments by the end of March, which is also the end of the winter term 2025/2026 if you plan to graduate in the summer semester 2025.
If you have further questions, please contact us.
Kind regards,
the VEI team.