Recorded sessions

Recorded sessions

von Ana Brajkovic Kirin -
Anzahl Antworten: 4

Hi All,

Hope everyone is keeping well,

I have a proposal for all future video sessions/calls/consultations, of course is all agree.

Might be a good idea to record all future meetings, so for those of us who are not able to participate can still catch up with missed, i.e we had two feedback sessions re Concept Map, and I wasn’t able to participate in any of them, now I don’t have any opportunity to catch up with discussions. I do appreciate openness and flexibility to provide feedback via email, but recorded video call might provide me with some oversight and answer my questions without sending any email.

Something to think about anyway,

Kind regards and best of luck to you all! 


Als Antwort auf Ana Brajkovic Kirin

Re: Recorded sessions

von Bernhard Renner -
Hi Ana,

Thank you for your feedback and this good idea!

We will discuss this in our next jour fixe 😊
Als Antwort auf Ana Brajkovic Kirin

Re: Recorded sessions

von Katharina Prummer -
Dear Ana,

we hope you are doing well.

As Bernhard promised, we discussed your suggestion in our last team-meeting. We also want to honour your feedback given in the interviews and the TUM evaluation in which many of you mentioned you would like additional and regular synchronous sessions

We have come to the following decision:
We will record all centrally-organised sessions such as the upcoming Orientation Semester 2 sessions on April, 25.

As for the sessions that are organised by the lecturers in the respective modules, we agreed on the following rules:
The lecturers will try to inform you about any synchronous sessions at least one month in advance, in order for you to plan accordingly. There will always be two sessions taking your different time zones into account. Lecturers will also inform you if the synchronous sessions are obligatory or just serve as additional input for you.
It is up to the lecturers in the modules to decide whether they are willing to record any synchronous sessions and make them available for you.

We hope this answer meets your expectations and will help you in your studies.

All the best with the last assignments.

Katharina and team
Als Antwort auf Katharina Prummer

Re: Recorded sessions

von Mirela Franovic -
Dear Katharina,

are the exact times for orientation sessions on 25th April already known?

Thank you!

Best regards,
Als Antwort auf Katharina Prummer

Re: Recorded sessions

von Ana Brajkovic Kirin -
Hi Katharina,

Thank you for your reply, really pleased with the answer because I believe everyone would benefit from recorded sessions.
Additionally, my idea of recorded sessions included ALL synchronous sessions recorded.
If recording depends on lecturers’ preference, and some of us still not be available to join live meeting (last minute unplanned circumstances) than we are back to square one.
Furthermore, I would also suggest online consultations once or max twice a month. Considering our semesters are few months long, might be useful to have live online consultations where we could either point out some questions or just discuss about study progress related to the subject. Lecturers might suggest two-three slot availability during the month when we could join and discuss any questions related to the assignments/exams.
For example, every first Monday in the month between 09:00-10:00 CET, or certain dates offered one month in advance so we can plan our sked.
Second option, we are in March now, and our lecturer will send us two slot availability for April, e.g. 12th April 14:00-15:00CET and 23rd April 10:00-11:00CET. Online consultations would give as an option to discuss directly with our lecturers about all the queries we might have and help us with guidance and this way you as lecturers could track our progress during semester. I do appreciate Forum section, but open discussion might be more motivational than Forum itself and more engaging. Again, I would suggest recorded online consultations so everyone could catch-up with missed, but again that’s just my suggestion.

Hope I’m not too demanding, but just trying to ease everyone’s studies and suggest something that might benefit all of us.
Kind regards,