Orientation session semester 2

Orientation session semester 2

by Katharina Prummer -
Number of replies: 2

Dear students,

we added two dates on the calendar for the orientation session for semester 2.

The sessions will take place on April, 25. You can choose between session one at 9.00 - 10.00 a.m. or session two at 16.00 - 17.00 p.m. (UTC +1).

Kindly make sure to join one of the sessions by clicking on the event in the calendar or the links above. We will also record each session and upload the recorded videos for you.

We look forward to e-meeting you again soon.

Kind regards

The VEI-team

In reply to Katharina Prummer

Re: Orientation session semester 2

by Nazrene Mannie -
Thanks for the update Katharina. Date and times are noted.