Welcome to Semester 2

Welcome to Semester 2

by Katharina Prummer -
Number of replies: 12

Dear students,

we want to welcome you warmly to your second semester at TUM.

Please make sure to register for your semester 2 courses on the campus system.

We will meet next week Tuesday 26th, April, either 9.00 or 16.00 (German-time) for an orientation session. Make sure to attend one of the sessions by clicking on one of the links below.

Kindly use this link for the 9.00 o'clock meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 675 9206 3133
Passcode: 224756
One tap mobile
+496950500952,,67592063133#,,,,*224756# Germany
+496950502596,,67592063133#,,,,*224756# Germany

---- or ----

Kindly use this link for the 16.00 o'clock meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 665 0642 1782
Passcode: 152954
One tap mobile
+496950502596,,66506421782#,,,,*152954# Germany
+496971049922,,66506421782#,,,,*152954# Germany

Kind regards

Katharina for the VEI-team

In reply to Katharina Prummer

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Nazrene Mannie -
Thanks Katharina.

Please can you confirm if the call is on Tuesday, 25 April or Wed, 26th.

In reply to Nazrene Mannie

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Katharina Prummer -
Dear Nazrene,

apologies for the confusion.
The call is set for Tuesday, 25 April. We also put down an event in the Moodle-calendar.

Kind regards
In reply to Katharina Prummer

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Nazrene Mannie -

Thanks so much for confirming! See you next week Tuesday. 

In reply to Katharina Prummer

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Luiz Eduardo Leao -
Dear Katharina,

Could you please confirm if these are the 3 courses we have to register this semester?

[SOT10015] VET Structure and Organisation in Germany
[SOT10017] Workplace Learning
[SOT10018] VET from an International Perspective

Best regards,
In reply to Luiz Eduardo Leao

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Anna Trikoili -
Dear Luiz,

For the 2nd semester, you need to register for the following 4 courses:

0000001582 Mentoring, Part 2
0000001964 Workplace Learning
0000003586 VET Structure and Organisation in Germany
0000003595 VET from an International Perspective

For the last two, please search manually in the filter, using either the name or the code because they are not linked to the program's curriculum.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
In reply to Anna Trikoili

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Luiz Eduardo Leao -

Dear Anna,

Thank you very much.

It helped a lot. All registered.

Best regards,


In reply to Katharina Prummer

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Mirela Franovic -
Dear Katharina,

at the moment I can see only 2 courses available for registration: Workplace Learning and Mentoring 2. Am I right, or?
Thank you!

Best, Mirela
In reply to Mirela Franovic

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Katharina Prummer -
Dear Mirela and Martin,

we will clarify this tomorrow.

Kind regards
In reply to Katharina Prummer

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Katharina Prummer -
Dear all,

just a short reminder. We will see you tomorrow either at 09.00 or 16.00 (German time) for the second semester orientation. You can access the links in this forum or via the event calendar.

We look forward to seeing you again. You just need to bring your laptop, yourself and some motivation for the second semester ;)

Kind regards
Katharina and the VEI team
In reply to Katharina Prummer

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Deleted user -
Dear Katharina,

could you please inform if a video recording of the orientation session will be available afterwards? If yes, that would be very helpful.

Thank you!
In reply to Deleted user

Re: Welcome to Semester 2

by Katharina Prummer -
Dear Chinara,

thank you for your question. Yes, as communicated all central sessions will be recorded and uploaded to Moodle.
It would be great to see you in the second session at 16.00.

Kind regards